Gastonia East Rotary Club

Gastonia East Rotary Club

Gastonia East Rotary Club received its charter on Sept. 12, 1970. We were sponsored by the Gastonia Club. One of our founders was a member of the Gastonia Club, the late Bynum Carter, whose daughter was later a member of our club.

Among the charter members were David Deas, Tom Efird, John Parks, Charles Stribling and Tom Watson.

Our club has more than 100 members, making it among the larger clubs in District 7680. Gastonia East is one of four clubs in our city. In addition to the Gastonia Club (once known as the Downtown or Old Man’s Club), other clubs are Gastonia Breakfast and Gastonia Evening.

Gastonia East is a lunch club. We meet Mondays, although not usually on the federal Monday holidays. A buffet lunch is catered by the staff at the Gastonia Conference Center, where we meet on the upper level.

Club members represent a wide variety of professions and interests from the Gastonia community who believe in the Rotary motto of Service Above Self.